New York County Lawyers Association:
- Video: The Professional Reliability Rule: Hearsay Testimony Through the Expert Witness;
- Video: Bridge the Gap.
Appellate Division, First Department
- Unconscionability; Prenuptial Agreements, June 27, 2017.
Appellate Division, Second Department:
- Unconscionability; Prenuptial Agreements; Hearsay Testimony through the Expert Witness, January 19, 2017;
- The New Maintenance 2015 Law; Late Date Acknowledgments, March 16, 2016;
- Minefields in Recent Court of Appeals’ Decisions, October 20, 2010;
- Expert Testimony: the Professional Reliability Rule, September 23, 2009;
- Consequences of Contractual Child Support, November 12, 2008;
- Expert Opinion; Retroactivity of Child Support prior to the Date of the Initial Application Therefor, December 5, 2005.
Appellate Division, Third Department:
- Unconscionability; Prenuptial Agreements; Hearsay Testimony through the Expert Witness, February 2017.
Statewide Appellate Division Roundtable:
- American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers: Spousal Support Formulas, May 1, 2010;
- American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers: Spousal Support Formulas, May 3, 2008;
- American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers: Implementations under the Miller Commission and Current Law, May 5, 2007;
- American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers: Intrastate Conflicts of Law, May 6, 2005.
Judicial Institute, White Plains, NY:
- Agreements, May 14, 2009;
- Group Leader: Pendente Lite Relief, March 27, 2007;
- The Evolution of Grandparental Visitation in New York State, October 19, 2005.
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, New York Chapter:
- Co-Chair, CLE Seminar May 2, 2014;
- Co-Chair, CLE Seminar, May 3, 2013;
- Co-Chair, CLE Seminar, May, 2012;
- Advanced Concepts in Appellate Practice, May, 2012;
- Co-Chair, CLE Seminar April 29, 2011;
- Co-Chair, CLE Seminar, April 30, 2010;
- The Professional Reliability Rule – Hearsay Testimony Through The Expert Witness,
April 30, 2010; - Chair, CLE Seminar, May 1, 2009;
- Co-Chair, CLE Seminar, May 5, 2005;
- Evidentiary Considerations In Expert Testimony; Valuation Dates Following Ex-Parte Foreign Divorces, May 5, 2006;
- Selected Problems In Advanced Matrimonial Practice Frankel v. Frankel and Standing To Get Counsel Fees; Charging Liens And Retaining Liens, April 30, 2004.
New York City Bar Association
Motion Practice in the Appellate Division; The Role of the Attorney-for-the Child on Appeal; Unconscionability; August 11, 2020.
New York State Bar Association:
- Appellate Practice, Motion Practice in the Appellate Division, New York, NY, March 29, 2019;
- Advanced Concepts in Appellate Practice, Huntington, NY, November 1, 2013;
- Advanced Concepts in Appellate Practice, Rochester, NY, October 29, 2013;
- Advanced Concepts in Appellate Practice, Terrytown, NY, October 25, 2013;
- Chair and Presenter, Evidence, Albany, NY, April 18, 2013;
- Chair and Presenter, Evidence, New York, NY, April 16, 2013;
- Concepts in Appellate Practice, Fundamental and Beyond, November 18, 2011;
- Updates And Trends, May 8, 2009;
- The Financial Expert: Understanding The Report And Cross-Examining The Witness,
November 19, 2004; - Grounds For Divorce, Evidence, October 12, 1988;
- Pensions, QDRO’s and Motion Practice: Substantive Motions, May 27, 1988;
- Actions; Jurisdiction: In Rem, Personam, And Residential, October 27, 1987.
New York County Lawyers Association:
- Chair and Presenter, An Analysis of The 2015 Maintenance Law, June 2, 2016;
- Chair and Presenter, The Experts Speak, Tips and Techniques in Presenting, Preserving, and Challenging the Admissibility of Evidence, April 27, 2015;
- Civil Litigation, Evidence, March 13, 2015;
- Chair and Presenter, Appellate Practice, November 6, 2014;
- Chair, Advanced Drafting in Prenups and Settlement Agreements, June 13, 2014;
- Chair, The Prosecution and Defense of Child Sex Abuse Allegations, November 2, 2013;
- Chair and Presenter, Appellate Practice, January 15, 2013.;
- Chair, Second Annual Day of Evidence, October 19, 2010;
- Advanced Issues and Concepts in Matrimonial Practice: August 10, 2010;
- Hearsay Testimony Through The Expert Witness, October 19, 2010;
- Advanced Issues And Concepts In Matrimonial Practice, May 14, 2010;
- Principles of Matrimonial Litigation, April 17, 2010;
- Chair, Matrimonial Taxation And Valuation, February 4, 2010;
- Drafting Domestic Partnership Agreements, January 25, 2010;
- Chair, Practical Evidence Series, Fall, 2009 – 2010. Advanced Issues And Concepts In Matrimonial Practice, December 4, 2009;
- Principles of Matrimonial Litigation, November 14, 2009;
- Hearsay Testimony Through The Expert Witness, November 4, 2009;
- Principles of Matrimonial Litigation, August 7, 2009;
- Chair, A Day Of Evidence, April 2, 2009;
- Hearsay Testimony Through The Expert Witness, April 2, 2009;
- Principles of Matrimonial Litigation,May 16, 2009;
- Principles of Matrimonial Litigation, December 12, 2008;
- Principles of Matrimonial Litigation, August 7, 2008;
- Principles of Matrimonial Litigation, May 2, 2008;
- Fundamentals of Matrimonial Litigation, December 3, 2007;
- Fundamentals of Matrimonial Litigation, August 3, 2007;
- Fundamentals of Matrimonial Litigation, April 21, 2007;
- Fundamentals of Matrimonial Litigation, December 2, 2006;
- Fundamentals of Matrimonial Litigation, August 11, 2006;
- Fundamentals of Matrimonial Litigation, April 29, 2006;
- Fundamentals of Matrimonial Litigation, December 3, 2005;
- Fundamentals of Matrimonial Litigation, April 29, 2005.
Queens County Bar Association (TBA 2011)
Westchester County Bar Association:
- Contractual Child Support And Its Implications, April 30, 2009.
Westchester Womens’ Bar Association:
- Minefields In Matrimonial Litigation: The Five Most Important Court of Appeals Decisions, September 25, 2008.
National Business Institute:
- Valuation Issues, June 11, 2004.
Protestant Lawyers Bar Association:
- The Implications Of The Newly Enacted Child Support Guidelines, May, 1990.
Rockland County Bar Association:
- The Reliability of Collateral Evidence Reviewed by The Expert Witness, Fall 2009.
Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York, Convention 2011, Manchester, VT:
- Overcoming Complex Decisions by the Court of Appeals, May 20, 2011;
- Hearsay Testimony Through The Expert Witness, May 21, 2011.
New York Women’s Bar Association:
- Late Dated Acknowledgments, November 2, 2016.