Contract Doctrine and Marital Agreements in New York
New York State Bar Association
— [4th ed., 2 vols, 2,500 pages, 2020]
The New York Civil Appellate Citator
New York State Bar Association (2 Vols., 1,754 pages, 2019)
Practitioner’s Handbook for Appeals to the Appellate Divisions of the State of New York, (2020), contributing author.
Book Review:
Book Review: New York Contract Law: A Guide for Non-New York Attorneys, by Glen Banks, New York State Bar Association, 622 pages.
Lexis/Nexis Matthew Bender Publishing
- Valuation, Chapter 46 (2009).
- Valuation, Chapter 46, Revision (2010).
- Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements, Chapter 43, New York Civil Practice: Matrimonial Actions (2005).
- Discovery, Chapter 35, New York Civil Practice: Matrimonial Actions.
- Financial Disclosure, Chapter 35, New York Civil Practice: Matrimonial Actions.
- Pendente Lite Relief, Chapter 70, New York Civil Actions, Matrimonial Actions (1988).
Law School Publication:
Grandparental Visitation: It’s Evolution In New York State, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 2 Cardozo Pub. L. Pol’y & Ethics J. 289; a study including a constitutional impact analysis of Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000), on New York law; Cited, McKinney’s Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated: (1) DRL §72, (2) DRL §117, (3) FCA §651, and (4) SSL §384-a.